- point\ out
- 1. III
point out smth., smb. point out a semaphore (a spire, a landmark, the flowers you would like me to cut for you, the man who did it, etc.) указывать /показывать/ на семафор и т.д.; point out the place you told me about укажите то место, о котором вы мне говорили; point out smb.'s mistakes (smb.'s influence, the advantage of the proposal, difficulties, etc.) обращать чье-л. внимание на ошибки и т.д.2. XIbe pointed out as smb., smth. I had seen him pointed out as the captain of the team я видел, что на него указывали как на капитана команды; this picture was pointed out as a masterpiece на эту картину указывали как на шедевр; be pointed out to smb. the difficulties were pointed out to him его внимание обратили на трудности3. XIIhave smth. pointed out he had the danger (the difficulty, the consequences, etc.) pointed out его внимание обратили /ему указали/ на опасность и т.д.4. XXI1point out smb., smth. to (for) smb. point out the man you suspect (the finest picture, the place you had spoken of, etc.) to smb. указывать кому-л. на человека, которого подозреваешь и т.д.; point out to smb. the advantage of her plan (his duty, the folly of his conduct, etc.) указывать кому-л. на преимущества ее плана и т.д.; point out an object in the sky (lines for further investigation, etc.) указывать /показывать/ на какой-то предмет в небе и т.д.5. XXIV2point out smb. /smb. out/ as possessing some quality nothing seems to point him out as guilty ничто, казалось, не указывало на его виновность6. XXVpoint out that... point out that he is wrong (that delay is unwise, that there was little chance of success, etc.) указывать на то, что он неправ и т.д.7. XXVII2point out to smb. that... point out to smb. that he is wrong указывать кому-л. на то, что он неправ
English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.